First visit

The first visit is all about collecting information. Your doctor will want to know about any pain you are having, any difficult movements, your health history and your goals. Your doctor will then conduct a series of tests, such as a posture screen, functional movement analysis, neurological tests, range of motion, and orthopedic tests. The goal is to collect information not just about what hurts, but about what might be contributing to your pain. At this first visit, you may receive an adjustment if you are in acute pain, but for our patients with chronic concerns, we will wait until the second visit once your doctor has had a change to review the information and determine your best course of care.

Second visit

Typically the following day, your second visit will be spent reviewing the findings from all of the exams as well as determining what your best course of care is. You will be presented with a clear plan including visit frequency and cost. You will also start your treatments at this visit.

Third visit

Every body is different, so your doctor will want to know how your body responded to your first treatment. Modifications to adjustment style, treatment frequency, and exercises can be made at any time, but most commonly occur early in the treatment process to adapt your care plan to your body’s unique response to care.