Immune support for viral illness

Humanity and viruses have evolved hand in hand. As soon as humans started living in close proximity to each other, viruses had the opportunity to spread amongst humans. When humans live in close proximity to animals, viruses get the change to spread between species. Fortunately, we also evolved with plants, and we have a whole arsenal of natural immune support.

If viral illness has you worried, I’ve got you covered. Here is a comprehensive list of all of the best preventative medicines as well as some that can be used if you do fall ill, whether it be a new viral threat, influenza, or just a run of the mill cold.

  1. Sleep: Your immune system is the most active when you cortisol levels are low. For most of us, this occurs at night while we are asleep. 

  2. Biocidin throat spray: this stuff is MAGIC for a sore throat! Just spritz 3-5 pumps into the back of your throat and hold there for 10-15 seconds to let the medicine coat your throat. This is a neat formula that boosts the immune system, helps your mucosal tissue make more antibodies, and is antimicrobial.

  3. Vitamin C: a normal human can absorb up to 5g of vitamin C per day, so load up! Vitamin C supports the immune system and has been seen to be effective in studies with influenza and other viruses. Most recently, China has been using IV vitamin C to treat COVID-19 and has 3 clinical studies ongoing.

  4. Sun exposure: During the Spanish flu, patient treated outside did better than those treated indoors. Say what you want about air quality of old hospitals, the reason is likely that sunshine is antimicrobial and we make vitamin D when we are in the sun. Sun exposure also triggers our bodies make defensins, which are essentially spikes on our skin that ward off microbial invaders.

  5. Vitamin D: You should have your levels checked once a year to make sure they are in range. If you haven’t checked and you haven’t been supplementing vitamin D and you live in Wisconsin, you are likely low, and so taking a big dose of vitamin D can be a huge immune boost.

  6. Vitamin A: this vitamin has research in its role for decreasing the severity of influenza. Interestingly, some research suggests that it is only effective if vitamin D levels are in normal range. Vitamin A & D deficiencies are associated with vulnerability to infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Vitamin A also boosts the antibodies that your body secretes to line all mucosal surfaces, which will prevent a virus from entering your cells.

  7. Hydrotherapy: taking a hot bath can help raise your body temperature and mimic a fever, which brings us to my next tip.

  8. Get a fever: as long as your fever is below 104 degrees, you’re totally fine. It is actually a good thing to get a fever because it accelerates your body’s enzymatic processes while at the same time can work against the infectious agent. Getting a fever is a sign your immune system is kicking butt! Avoid any anti-inflammatory drugs or herbs while getting sick. You can also drink hot ginger tea to help warm your body if you are starting to get chills to help it go the right direction. Other herbs to help you get your sweat on include: yarrow, elderflower, hyssop, and linden flower.

    If your fever does hit that 104 mark, you will want to gently lower it. Taking a lukewarm bath or even a cold washcloth over the forehead is highly effective.

  9. Antiviral herbs: olive leaf, lemon balm, hyssop, sage, oregano, garlic, ginger, the list goes on and on there are so many anti-viral herbs, many of which are food or spices too! How easy would it be to make a tea and drink it daily?

  10. Deep breathing: Stress suppresses your immune function, which is why it is so common to get sick on vacation. Keep your immune system functioning at its best by practicing deep breathing daily to combat stress. Other ways of decreasing stress including laughing, talking to a loved one, exercise, and going to the beach.

  11. Elderberry syrup: this is best made before you get sick, but it cooks up quickly in a pinch if you keep dried elderberries on hand. Elderberry is neat because it is antiviral for the common cold and flu, something we can’t replicate in a drug. It decreases the duration of an illness and makes you less contagious too! 

    3/4 cup dried elderberries

    3 cups water

    1 teaspoon dried cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick

    1 teaspoon dried cloves or 4 whole cloves

    1 tablespoon fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon dried ginger

    1 cup raw honey

Put all the ingredients except the honey into a pot and bring to boil. Cover and reduce heat. Simmer for about 45 minutes. The liquid should have reduced by about half. Let it cool and add the honey. Take a tablespoon every hour at the first sign of illness.

You don’t have to do all of these things, but some combination is helpful.

Example prevention protocol:

Vitamin A 25,000IU daily x 2 weeks

Vitamin D 5,000IU daily x 4 weeks

Vitamin C 1g twice daily x 4 weeks

Herbal tea daily x 4 weeks

Please note that it IS possible to overdose on vitamins D and A, so do not take indefinitely. It’s always best to test levels!

Example Acute Protocol:

Vitamin A 100,000IU ONCE, then 50,000IU the next day, then 25,000IU thereafter

Vitamin D 10,000IU x 2 weeks

Elderberry syrup 1 tsp every 3-4 hours while ill and while recovering


For more information about how the virus enters your cells and impacts your body, read this article

This article is not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Any doses listed are for illustrative purposes only and you should consult your naturopathic doctor for recommendations best suited to you. I am not claiming to cure or treat COVID-19.